Finding You InFertility A Step-by-Step Wellness Workbook for Family Building Through IUI and IVF


The fertility journey can often feel like a roller coaster ride of highs and lows, of hopes and fears, of expectations and anxiety. If you are like most individuals and/or couples experiencing fertility challenges, you did not decide to embark on this journey, but you can control how you live through it. This guide was developed to empower you with information and provide you with a variety of emotional tools to nurture your mind, body and spirit.



What You’ll Find in Finding You In Fertility :

The authors, a reproductive endocrinologist and a psychotherapist, will provide you with both expert information from a medical perspective and the emotional tools to guide you through fertility.

Whatever your unique process, FINDING YOU Infertility can be a powerful element in preparing you for the family you will create. It is our hope and intention that the emotional resiliency and self-discovery that this workbook provides will transfer into all other aspects of your life!

This is what you will find inside your workbook:

  1. Advice from the Doctor: An overview and important information of what to expect during each step of  your fertility journey from a medical standpoint.
  2. Sentence Stems: Filling in the blanks to help you identify and explore your thoughts and feelings.
  3. Emotional Tools to soften your journey through exercises that help with:
    • Mastering Your Thoughts
    • Positive Visual Imagery
    • Scriptotheraphy: Therapeutic writing
    • Mind-Body Exercises that Change Your State
  4. The Fertile Relationship: Simple Techniques so you and your partner grow together – not apart.
  5. Food for Thought: Interesting facts for you to reflect on.
  6. Words to Inspire: Affirmations and quotations to lift you up.
  7. Self-Care Tips and Instructions

The Authors

Francisco Arredondo, MD, MPH
Board Certified Reproductive Endocrinologist

Dr. Francisco (Paco) Arredondo is a doctor-preneur who has founded several fertility companies and clinics in Texas. He was the founder and C.E.O (Chief Experience Officer) of Reproductive Medicine Associates of Texas. He led the merging of RMA of Texas and Smart.IVF (a unique fertility clinic concept developed by his team) with Aspire Fertility, creating the largest Fertility Network in Texas in 2018. In 2019 Dr. Arredondo, with the Aspire team, were involved in a merger that generated the largest fertility network of clinics in the United States; Prelude Network its parent company Inception, LLC. Teams under his leadership have developed financial software and consulting companies to improve patient experiences in women’s health care and an individualized and simplified nursing, wellness professionals, and administration, helping promote the importance of healthcare organizations that treat, prevent and rehabilitate the patient as a whole; body, mind and soul.

Maria Eugenia Quevedo, LPC, LMFT, RPT

Maria Eugenia (Mayu) Quevedo, LPC, LMFT, RPT is a licensed marriage and family therapist and registered play therapist in private practice and serves as the Director of Wellness for the Aspire Wellness Network. In her practice, she applies the elements of mindfulness, cognitive restructuring, hypnotherapy, yoga and relaxation in mind body techniques of fertility. Mayu provides counseling, educational, and coaching support in person or through secure video conferencing and holds a special passion for working with individuals facing the challenges of family building both from a personal and professional perspective.

Foreword writer Andrea Mechanick Braverman, PhD, is the Clinical Associate Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine College at Thomason Jefferson University.